Cumberland Valley Electric, Inc., (“Cumberland Valley”) intends to propose a general adjustment of its existing rates by filing an application with the Kentucky Public Service Commission (“KPSC”) on or after March 24, 2025, in Case No. 2024-00388 pursuant to 807 KAR 5:078. The application will request that the proposed rates become effective on or after April 23, 2025.
Cumberland Valley intends to propose an adjustment only to certain rates. The present and proposed rates for each customer classification to which the proposed rates will apply are set forth below:

No revisions are proposed to any other charges or Rate Schedules.
The amount of the change requested in both dollar amounts and percentage change for each customer classification to which the proposed rates will apply is set forth below: [1]
The amount of the average usage and the effect upon the average bill for each customer classification to which the proposed rates will apply is set forth below:

This table reflects the rate classes that have active customers.
Additional information, links, and a copy of Cumberland Valley’s full notice concerning its proposed rate adjustment can be found at Cumberland Valley’s principal office (6219 US-25 E, Gray, Kentucky 40734), its website (, and via social media ( Cumberland Valley has an inactive Twitter account and does not have an Instagram or LinkedIn accounts so the notice will not be posted on those forms of social media. A person may examine the application at the offices of Cumberland Valley located at 6219 US-25 E., Gray, Kentucky 40734. A person may examine this application at the Commission’s offices located at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, or through the Commission’s Web site at Comments regarding the application may be submitted to the Commission through its website or by mail to Public Service Commission, Post Office Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602. A person may submit a timely written request for intervention to the KPSC, 211 Sower Boulevard, Post Office Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602, establishing the grounds for the request including the status and interest of the party. The Commission’s phone number is (502) 564-3940 and its website is The Commission is required to take action on Cumberland Valley’s application within 75 days of its filing. The rates contained in this notice are the rates proposed by Cumberland Valley, but the Commission may order rates to be charged that differ from the proposed rates contained in this notice. There are no changes proposed to lighting or other miscellaneous rates.
[1] Although there is a change to the customer charge for Rate Class C2 – Sch II Small Commercial Power, there is no dollar or percentage increase for this rate class due to the reduction in the energy charge. This results as no overall rate increase for this customer class. There is no proposed change to Rate Class S – Sch VI – Outdoor Lighting – Security Lights; however, it is included in the table per 807 KAR 5:078, Section 7(4)(10).